In November of 2009, while serving as a Lay Missioner in the desert of Mexico, I was bucked off a horse. My left knee twisted and popped. I faced a surgery in Mexico, but it never was quite right. Finally, back in the USA and with Medical Insurance, I am now facing a second surgery, and in the hopes that someone out there facing a similar operation may find this helpefull, this blog is entirely a summary of my knee and my journey...

Monday, January 31, 2011

I just saw my future :(

My mom took me shopping yesterday, which was awsome.  I was trying to find some really comfy sweat pants, you know, for those two weeks or so when the stitches hurt like a b word and they get stuck on everything and your knee is too swollen for jeans...

We of course got side tracked in the victoria's secret, but then I saw my future.  This poor guy was hobbling around on crutches, with a nasty knee brace on his left knee.  Aw man it looked so painful.  Suckity Suck Suck.  And I looked at my mom and said, "well, there goes me in about a month." 

:(  Sad.

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