In November of 2009, while serving as a Lay Missioner in the desert of Mexico, I was bucked off a horse. My left knee twisted and popped. I faced a surgery in Mexico, but it never was quite right. Finally, back in the USA and with Medical Insurance, I am now facing a second surgery, and in the hopes that someone out there facing a similar operation may find this helpefull, this blog is entirely a summary of my knee and my journey...

Monday, February 28, 2011

Like sand through my fingers...

Got my tax return yesterday, and promptly bought two money orders to pay the surgery center and the doctors.  Dang.  The good thing is, I have my deductible almost paid... only my co-insurance to go, and I have no idea how I'm going to get that money.  Its in God's hands.  I  pray he helps me somehow.

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